“W-Foundation” was founded by Karl-Heinz Weber, who makes it its mission to create a system of education for children in need.

Being an enthusiastic traveler, Karl wanted to explore the world and to get to know as many places as possible. Along his way, he didn’t just see the beauty our world has to offer. Much more did he encounter the differences in the societies and the inequality when it comes to education. Seeing so many people with completely different chances in life, fighting for their future, and their rights, he felt the need to help. Over the years Karl changed his travel destinations to small towns in Asia, Africa, and Southern America and started to visit schools and local villages.

Even when he couldn’t give much, he learned that just a little bit is often enough to make a huge difference in the life of somebody else. And that’s when he knew, everybody can make a change, but somebody has to start. And therefore he founded his “W-Foundation”.

There is no greater feeling than knowing you helped someone change their life forever.

Karl-Heinz Weber


We are grateful to be able to work with some generous supporters who help make our vision a reality.


Big plans lie ahead. The organization of our first staff members in our Brasil Hospital for our Project “Hospital Education” and building a library for the preschool in “Ngaina Africa”.
Development of our first own projects to be realized in Brasil and Tanzania. With the help of Petra and Sebastian, we find Kaira, a Massai citizen who dedicated his life to increasing the educational level of his people. Our “Ngaina Africa” Project was born. 
The first official Partner “The Compass Trust” jumps on board to be featured and supported by W-Foundation. 
An idea was born. Karl-Heinz Weber founds the W-Foundation and builds a team from scratch to start fulfilling his vision.


“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

Mother Theresa

Our work is dedicated to those who cannot help themselves – children. With every dollar, euro or yen you can help to give kids the future they deserve. Every donation will fund and support projects to create an environment of education and health.


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.